Monday, August 10, 2009

The downside to Buddy Passes

I'd love to say that we're with the USA Pony Team as they prepare to head to Greven but I can't. We were too far down the list for our original flight leaving Saturday to Amsterdam so we rebooked for the same flight on Sunday. A friend of ours who works for KLM called Sunday morning to tell us that Delta had a universal blackout for Buddy Passes that day! Oops! So...we're still enjoying the Georgia heat and humidity and hopefully will get on today's flight. Meanwhile, I'm attaching a great photo of our team as they packup and head to the competition venue.



  1. I am a frequent buddy pass flyer. A relative gives them to me (you DO have to pay the taxes on what a "revenue" ticket would cost. The *up* side is that you frequently get in business/first class. The downside is that you frequently get bumped due to paying passengers. And don't even THINK about traveling large groups, family or otherwise. I just won't happen. As a "non-rev'" Be prepared to go back home or wait and sleep in the airport

  2. Despite what someone's KLM friend said, Delta does NOT and never has had "blackouts" for holders of buddy passes. And, buddy passes are NOT free tickets. They entitle the bearer to a seat if one becomes available because that seat didn't sell. Priority is given first to active employees and next to retired employees. The order is decided based on date of employment. Having one of those buddey passes is a priviledge, not a right. FYI Elizabeth Allen, Waterford, VA
