Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dressage competition awards

There was an awards ceremony after the dressage competition on Thursday and Friday. Suzy Stafford (with Chef d'Equip Chester Weber on board) received congratulations for fourth place in dressage. Tracey Morgan received 6th place; owner Susan Deutermann enjoyed the moment with her. Individual competitor Katie Whaley tied for 11th place.
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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Tracey!We've been following the competition on the ADS blog site over the past few days. To be honest we don't quite understand what all is involved in the events and the scoring but it sure looks rigorous. Have enjoyed seeing the pictures of you, Maude and Tabitha.Our best for a safe return, Jim and Linda Van Dien
    P.S. Juliette acquitted herself very well in the "poker drive" at the ADS event at Morven Park on Saturday, Aug. 8.
